British National Overseas BNO Visa Hong Kong Application Services - Winvolved Immigration Lawyers UK

Hong Kong

Winvolved Consultancy are well-established, trusted immigration lawyers with an outstanding success rate for UK visa applications.  Contact us today to speak with an experienced immigration adviser and start your BNO visa application. | 03332244822

Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa - HK BNO 

The decision of the Chinese Government to impose its national security legislation on Hong Kong constitutes, in view of the UK government a clear breach of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, undermining the “one country, two systems” framework.

The Home Office are planning to open the Hong Kong BNO Visa for applications from January 2021. BNO citizens do not need to hold a BNO passport in order to apply for the visa. 

They may bring their immediate dependants, including non-BNO citizens.

We can assist with the application process and informing to preparing the necessary supporting documentation to support the application and ultimately assisting with the filing of the visa application abroad.

Our services include:

Providing you with expert assistance, advising you on the procedure, requirements and what it takes to make the application to the relevant overseas post.

Making the necessary representations in support of your application to ensure you are able to begin the process of relocating your family to the UK.

This visa category is only open to applicants from Hong Kong.

If your application for a Hong Kong BNO visa is approved, you will be given permission to enter and remain in the UK for up to 30 months initially. Beyond this, you will need to submit a further application for leave to remain, which would be valid for 30 months. After 5 years in the UK in this visa category, you may be granted permission to remain in the UK permanently.

In addition to holding BNO status, applicants and their dependants must also:

  • be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong, which includes those currently in the UK but who are ordinarily resident in Hong Kong
  • be able to demonstrate their ability to accommodate and support themselves in the UK for at least six months
  • demonstrate a commitment to learn English in the UK where appropriate – on entry, there will be no English language requirement but applicants will require a good knowledge of the English language if they choose later to make an application for settled status (indefinite leave to remain) after five years
  • hold a current tuberculosis test certificate from a clinic approved by the Home Office
  • pay a fee for the visa and the Immigration Health Surcharge both payable in full at the point of the visa application
  • have no serious criminal convictions, have not otherwise engaged in behaviour which the UK Government deems not conducive to the public good, and not be subject to other general grounds for refusal set out in the Immigration Rules

Your Dependants: 

It is possible to bring dependents, such as a spouse and/or child under the age of 18, with you to the UK. However, you will need to show that you have enough money to maintain and accommodate yourselves in the UK without recourse to public funds. Subject to some restrictions, dependants may work and study in the UK.

After 1 year of holding Indefinite Leave to Remain, you may qualify for UK citizenship as long as you have not have been absent from the UK for more than 450 days during the 5 years preceding your application and you have no criminal convictions or questionable circumstances.

Our lawyers have substantial experience and broad knowledge of the complex rules regarding a variety of UK visa and we assist clients with the application process. So, please do not hesitate to get in touch for expert advice if you require assistance and if you would like to apply or you are wondering how to get UK visa. If you are looking for experienced service providers to assist with your UK visa application apply through us and benefit from our outstanding success rate.

Once you are on board  with Winvolved Consultancy you will no longer need to worry about how track uk visa application as we will update you as and when required.

香港移民到英國:BNO 簽證綜合指南


如果您是正在考慮移民英國的香港人,可能已經知道有關 BNO 簽證,這是讓符合資格的香港居民獲得英國公民身份的途徑。隨著香港緊張局勢加劇,愈來愈多人向海外尋求庇護和尋找更好的機會。如果您是其中一份子,誠邀您繼續閱讀此文章,以下的 BNO 簽證綜合指南,將提供有關 BNO 簽證的一切事宜,從申請程序到福利和要求。還將討論於獲得簽證後的各種選擇,包括在英國工作、學習和定居的機會。因此,無論您是正在尋求工作發展機會的年輕專業人士,還是想展開生活新一頁的家庭,本指南都將為您提供有用資料,協助您順利地從香港移民到英國。事不宜遲,我們立即開始!


BNO 簽證,又稱英國國民(海外)簽證,是一種新的移民途徑,讓符合資格的香港人能在英國生活、工作和進修。 新途徑是為了回應中國在香港實施國安法,引發了對香港公民自由和人權受到侵蝕的擔憂。BNO 簽證為香港人提供了可以尋求庇護並為自己及其家人確保更光明的未來的一種方式。
要獲得 BNO 簽證申請資格,您必須是英國國民(海外)護照持有人或香港公民。 此外,您必須能夠提供文件以證明您通常居住在香港。這意味著您自出生或獲得 BNO 身份以來的大部分時間必須居住在香港。如果您符合以上條件,則有資格申請 BNO 簽證並享有其提供的眾多福利。
BNO 簽證的申請資格


要獲得 BNO 簽證申請資格,您必須符合英國政府規定的條件。首先,您必須持有有效的英國國民(海外)護照或者是香港公民。其次,你必須能夠提供文件證明你通常居住在香港,這可以通過證明您自出生或獲得 BNO 身份以來大部分時間都居住在香港來證明。此外,您必須能夠證明您的身份並證明您沒有嚴重的刑事紀錄。
值得注意的是,BNO 簽證適用於個人及其家屬。這意味著,如果您有配偶、伴侶或子女,他們也可以申請 BNO 簽證並與您移民英國。但是,每個家庭成員都需要各自填寫申請表格並需要符合申請資格。

BNO 簽證申請程序


BNO 簽證的申請程序相對簡單。您只需要在網上填寫申請表並提交所需文件。這些文件包括您的有效英國國民(海外)護照或證明您的香港公民身份的文件、您在香港居住的證明、身份證明以及表明您沒有嚴重刑事紀錄的文件。您還需要支付申請費,目前每人180英鎊。
提交申請後,英國簽證和移民局將對您的申請進行審核。如果您的申請成功,您將獲得 BNO 簽證,允許您進入英國並停留最多 5 年。 在此期間,您將可以自由地在英國生活、工作和進修,不受任何限制。 5年後便可申請無限期居留的身份。 如果您選擇在英國停留總共6年,您將有資格申請英國公民身份。

BNO 簽證的好處


BNO 簽證為想要移居英國的香港人提供了很多好處。首先,它提供了獲得英國公民身份的途徑,並享有作為英國公民的權利和待遇,包括享用公共服務、醫療保健和教育,以及投票和參與民主進程。
除獲得公民身份外,BNO 簽證還允許您不受任何限制地在英國生活、工作和進修。這意味著您可以繼續追求職業發展,持續深造,並享受多元文化社會的生活。英國以其高品質生活、卓越醫療保健系統和世界頂尖學府而聞名,吸引許多尋求更美好未來的個人和家庭移居當地。 



除了 BNO 簽證可供香港人獲得英國公民身份的獨特途徑外,英國亦提供其他簽證類別。其中一種是第 2 級(普通)工作簽證,該簽證專為在英國有工作機會的技術人員而設計,允許在英國生活和工作長達 5 年,並可以申請延長簽證或定居。
另一種類別是第 4 級(普通)學生簽證,目的是允許希望在英國進修的個人停留英國,入讀由合資格教育提供者提供的課程。完成學業後,如果希望留在英國工作,可能有資格切換到不同的簽證類別,例如二級(普通)工作簽證。
雖然這些簽證類別都各有優勢,但 BNO 簽證卻脫穎而出,這是因為它的申請程序簡單和可以申請獲得英國公民身份。透過 BNO簽證,您可以不受任何限制地在英國自由生活、工作和學習,這對許多香港人來說是極之吸引。

申請 BNO 簽證及其相關的費用


申請 BNO 簽證的成本和其他費用都必需先了解清楚。目前 BNO 簽證的申請費為每人 180 英鎊。除了申請費外,您可能還需要支付任何所需的證明文件,例如護照照片或英文測試。在計劃移英時,要把所有的可能費用加入預算中。
請留意,BNO 簽證限制享用英國公共福利。這意味著您需要有足夠的資金來支持您自己和家人在英國的生活。實質所需的金額將取決於您的情況,例如是否工作或是否正在進修。請查閱英國政府有關財務要求的指南,以確保您的申請符合申請條件。

有關 BNO 簽證的常見問題


問:如果我沒有英國國民(海外)護照,可以申請 BNO 簽證嗎?

答:可以,如果您是香港公民,您仍然可以申請 BNO 簽證。 然而,擁有英國國民(海外)護照將會在申請過程中提供幫助。
問:我的家人可以與我一同申請 BNO 簽證嗎?

答:可以,您的配偶、伴侶和子女可以與您一同申請 BNO 簽證移居英國。他們需要提交獨立的申請並符合申請條件。

問:我可以持 BNO 簽證在英國工作嗎?

答:可以,BNO 簽證允許您不受任何限制地在英國工作。您可以在任何機構或行業尋求工作機會。

問:我可以持 BNO 簽證在英國進修嗎?

答:可以,BNO 簽證允許您不受任何限制地在英國進修。您可以入讀英國教育機構課程並在學習期間逗留英國。
問:我可以用 BNO 簽證申請定居嗎?

答:可以,持 BNO 簽證在英國居住 5 年後,您可以申請定居,獲得無限期居留在英國的權利。


增加成功申請BNO 簽證的機會


為了增加您成功申請 BNO 簽證的機會,要記緊做好充分準備並提供所有必要的文件。以下建議能帶領您順利地完成申請程序:

1. 儘早開始:提前開始整理所需文件並準備申請。當出現任何問題或疑慮時,這將讓您有足夠的時間來解決。
2. 重覆檢查您的文件:確保所有文件是完整和最近的。任何不完整或不正確內容都可能會延遲您的申請處理。
3. 尋求專業意見:如果您對申請程序有任何不確定,建議尋求專業意見。移民律師或顧問能夠提供指引並確保您的申請符合所有要求。
4. 誠實和準確:在申請過程中提供的文件資料必須真實和準確。任何虛假或誤導性信息都可能導致您的申請被拒絕。
5. 遵循指引:閱讀並遵循英國政府關於 BNO 簽證申請的指南。這將幫助您了解申請要求並確保您提交完整且準確的申請。
跟隨以上這些提示,您便可增加成功申請 BNO 簽證的機會,並順利地從香港移居到英國。

From Hong Kong to the UK: A Comprehensive Guide to the BNO Visa

Are you a Hong Kong resident considering a move to the UK? If so, you may have heard about the BNO visa, a pathway to British citizenship for eligible Hong Kong residents. As tensions rise in Hong Kong, more and more individuals are seeking refuge and better opportunities abroad. If you're one of them, you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about the BNO visa, from the application process to the benefits and requirements. We'll also explore the various options available to you once you obtain the visa, including work, study, and settlement opportunities in the UK. So, whether you're a young professional looking to advance your career or a family seeking a fresh start, this guide will provide you with the essential information to make your transition from Hong Kong to the UK as smooth as possible. Let's dive in and explore the exciting possibilities that await you!

The BNO visa, also known as the British National (Overseas) visa, is a new immigration route that allows eligible Hong Kong residents to live, work, and study in the UK. It was introduced in response to China's imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong, which has led to concerns about the erosion of civil liberties and human rights in the region. The BNO visa is a way for Hong Kong residents to seek refuge and secure a brighter future for themselves and their families in the UK.
To be eligible for the BNO visa, you must be a British National (Overseas) passport holder or a citizen of Hong Kong. Additionally, you must be able to provide evidence that you are ordinarily resident in Hong Kong. This means that you must have been living in Hong Kong for the majority of the time since your birth or since you obtained your BNO status. If you meet these criteria, you can apply for the BNO visa and take advantage of the numerous benefits it offers.

Eligibility criteria for the BNO Visa

To be eligible for the BNO visa, you must meet certain criteria set by the UK government. First and foremost, you must hold a valid British National (Overseas) passport or be a citizen of Hong Kong. Secondly, you must be able to provide evidence that you are ordinarily resident in Hong Kong. This can be established by demonstrating that you have been living in Hong Kong for the majority of the time since your birth or since you obtained your BNO status. Additionally, you must be able to prove your identity and show that you have no serious criminal convictions.
It's worth noting that the BNO visa is available to both individuals and their dependents. This means that if you have a spouse, partner, or children, they can also apply for the BNO visa and join you in the UK. However, each family member will need to submit a separate application and meet the eligibility requirements.

Application process for the BNO Visa

The application process for the BNO visa is relatively straightforward. To apply, you will need to complete an online application form and submit the required documents. These documents include your valid British National (Overseas) passport or proof of your Hong Kong citizenship, evidence of your residency in Hong Kong, proof of identity, and documentation showing that you have no serious criminal convictions. You will also need to pay the application fee, which is currently set at £180 per person.
Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by UK Visas and Immigration. If your application is successful, you will be issued a BNO visa, which will allow you to enter the UK and stay for up to 5 years. During this time, you will have the freedom to live, work, and study in the UK without any restrictions. After 5 years, you can apply for settled status, which will grant you indefinite leave to remain in the UK. And if you choose to stay in the UK for a total of 6 years, you will be eligible to apply for British citizenship.

Benefits of the BNO Visa

The BNO visa offers numerous benefits to Hong Kong residents looking to make the move to the UK. First and foremost, it provides a pathway to British citizenship, which comes with all the rights and privileges of being a British citizen. This includes access to public services, healthcare, and education, as well as the ability to vote and participate in the democratic process.
In addition to citizenship, the BNO visa also allows you to live, work, and study in the UK without any restrictions. This means that you can pursue career opportunities, further your education, and enjoy the benefits of living in a multicultural society. The UK is known for its high quality of life, excellent healthcare system, and world-class universities, making it an attractive destination for individuals and families seeking a better future.

Comparison with other UK visa options

While the BNO visa offers a unique pathway to British citizenship for Hong Kong residents, it's important to note that there are other visa options available as well. One such option is the Tier 2 (General) visa, which is designed for skilled workers who have a job offer in the UK. This visa allows you to live and work in the UK for up to 5 years, with the possibility of extending your stay or applying for settled status.
Another option is the Tier 4 (General) student visa, which is for individuals who wish to study in the UK. This visa allows you to enrol in a course at a UK educational institution and stay for the duration of your studies. Once you have completed your studies, you may be eligible to switch to a different visa category, such as the Tier 2 (General) visa, if you wish to work in the UK.
While these visa options have their own advantages, the BNO visa stands out for its simplicity and the pathway it provides to British citizenship. With the BNO visa, you can enjoy the freedom to live, work, and study in the UK without any restrictions, making it an appealing option for many Hong Kong residents.

Cost and fees associated with the BNO Visa

Applying for the BNO visa comes with certain costs and fees that you should be aware of. The current application fee for the BNO visa is £180 per person. In addition to the application fee, you may also need to pay for any required supporting documents, such as passport photos or language tests. It's important to budget for these costs when planning your move to the UK.
It's worth noting that the BNO visa does not provide access to public funds in the UK. This means that you will need to have sufficient financial resources to support yourself and any dependents during your stay. The exact amount will depend on your circumstances, such as whether you have a job offer or are studying in the UK. It's recommended to consult the UK government's guidelines on financial requirements to ensure that you meet the necessary criteria.

Frequently asked questions about the BNO Visa

Q: Can I apply for the BNO visa if I don't have a British National (Overseas) passport?
A: Yes, you can still apply for the BNO visa if you are a citizen of Hong Kong. However, having a British National (Overseas) passport will make the application process smoother.
Q: Can my family members join me on the BNO visa?
A: Yes, your spouse, partner, and children can join you on the BNO visa. They will need to submit separate applications and meet the eligibility criteria.
Q: Can I work in the UK with the BNO visa?
A: Yes, the BNO visa allows you to work in the UK without any restrictions. You can pursue job opportunities in any sector or industry.
Q: Can I study in the UK with the BNO visa?
A: Yes, the BNO visa allows you to study in the UK without any restrictions. You canenroll in a course at a UK educational institution and stay for the duration of your studies.
Q: Can I apply for settled status with the BNO visa?
A: Yes, after living in the UK for 5 years on the BNO visa, you can apply for settled status, which will grant you indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

Tips for a successful BNO Visa application

To increase your chances of a successful BNO visa application, it's important to be well-prepared and provide all the necessary documentation. Here are some tips to help you navigate the application process:
1. Start early: Begin gathering the required documents and preparing your application well in advance. This will give you enough time to address any issues or concerns that may arise.
2. Double-check your documents: Make sure all your documents are complete and up-to-date. Any missing or incorrect information can delay the processing of your application.
3. Seek professional advice: If you're unsure about any aspect of the application process, it's advisable to seek professional advice. Immigration lawyers or consultants can provide guidance and ensure that your application meets all the requirements.
4. Be honest and accurate: Provide truthful and accurate information in your application. Any false or misleading information can result in your application being rejected.
5. Follow the guidelines: Read and follow the UK government's guidelines for the BNO visa application. This will help you understand the requirements and ensure that you submit a complete and accurate application.
By following these tips, you can increase your chances of a successful BNO visa application and make your transition from Hong Kong to the UK as smooth as possible.

Navigating the BNO Application for the UK BNO Visa: A Detailed Walkthrough

The BNO (British National Overseas) status and its significance have long been in the limelight, especially in recent years with political shifts and events. For many Hongkongers, the BNO application for the UK BNO visa has emerged as a beacon of hope, providing a tangible opportunity to carve a new life in the UK. With a complex maze of requirements and procedures, the process can be daunting. This article demystifies the BNO application process for the UK BNO visa, offering a step-by-step guide for hopeful applicants.

Background: The BNO Status

The British National Overseas status was instated in 1987, designed exclusively for Hong Kong residents born before the 1997 handover to China. Initially, the BNO passport was more symbolic than functional, a nod to the historical ties between the UK and its former territory. However, with political tensions escalating in Hong Kong, the UK government made a landmark decision to offer a potential pathway to citizenship for BNO passport holders: the UK BNO visa.

The Promise of the UK BNO Visa

The UK BNO visa isn't just another visa; it is a commitment from the UK government to stand by Hongkongers during trying times. Key benefits include:

- Length of Stay: The UK BNO visa allows an initial stay of 5 years, with the ability to renew for an additional year.


- Work and Study: Visa holders can work, study, and even start their own business in the UK.


- Pathway to Citizenship: After six years, BNO visa holders can apply for settled status. One year later, they can request naturalisation as a British citizen.

Requirements for the BNO Application for UK BNO Visa

Before diving into the application process, it's essential to understand the eligibility criteria:

1. BNO Passport: You must possess a valid BNO passport. Although the passport itself does not grant any residence rights in the UK, it's a prerequisite for the UK BNO visa application.

2. Dependents: Dependent family members, including a spouse, civil partner, and children under 18, can be included in your application.

3. Financial Proof: You need to demonstrate that you can support yourself (and any dependents) for at least six months in the UK.

4. Tuberculosis Test: A TB test from a clinic approved by the Home Office is required.

The Application Journey

Embarking on the BNO application for the UK BNO visa involves multiple stages:

1. Preparation: Begin by gathering all essential documents. This includes your BNO passport, birth certificate, financial documents, and more.

2. Online Application: The process is digitalised, making it efficient and straightforward. Remember, precision is vital; ensure every detail is accurate.

3. **Biometrics: Following your online application, you'll need to provide your fingerprints and photo at a visa application centre.

4. Health Surcharge Payment: This fee grants you access to the National Health Service (NHS) once you're in the UK.

5. Decision Wait Time: After submission, the waiting game begins. Decisions are typically reached within 12 weeks.

Settling in the UK

Once you've secured your UK BNO visa, you're on the path to building a new life in the UK. It's crucial to understand UK customs, traditions, and laws to make your transition smooth.

Conclusion: A New Chapter with the BNO Application for UK BNO Visa

The BNO application for the UK BNO visa is more than a bureaucratic process; it's the opening of a door to new opportunities, rights, and a potential future as a British citizen. With due diligence, preparation, and a clear understanding of the requirements, your dream of a life in the UK is well within reach.

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